Senin, 08 Oktober 2012


Chapter I

Growth & Development
Growth : Increased of size, volume and the number of cells. Growth is irreversible.
Irreversible : It can’t be back to the original size.
Development : Changing process of cells in order to form certain structures and function.
The Factors Which Affect Growth & Development of Plant :
-          Genes
-          Hormones
-          Waters
-          Minerals
-          Temperature
-          Humidity
-          Light Intensity
The Factors Which Affect Growth & Development of Animal :
-          Genes
-          Hormones
-          Food
-          Water
-          Activity
-          Sunlight
Perfect Metamorphosis :
-          Butterfly :
Egg – Larvae – Catterpilar – Cocon – Butterfly
-          Frog
Egg – Larvae – Tadpole – Young Frog – Adult Frog
-          Dragonfly
Egg – Larvae – Cocon – Nympha – Adult Dragonfly

Chapter II
Human Movement System
I.                    Skull
A.     Cranial Bones
1.       Occipital Bone ( Tulang tengkorak belakang ) (1 bone)
2.       Parietal Bone ( Tulang Ubun-ubun) (2 bone)
3.       Frontal Bone ( Tulang Dahi) (1 bone)
4.       Spenoid Bone ( Tulang Baji ) (2 bone)
5.       Temporal Bone ( Tulang Pelipis ) (2 bone)
6.       Edmoid Bone ( Tulang Tapis ) (2 bone)
B.      Facial Bones
1.       Maxilla Bone ( Tulang Rahang Atas ) (2 bone)
2.       Mandible Bone ( Tulang Rahang Bawah ) (2 bone)
3.       Nasal Bone ( Tulang Hidung ) ( 2 bone)
4.       Zygonatic Bone  ( Tulang Pipi ) (2 bone)
5.       Palatin Bone ( Langit-langit Mulut ) (2 bone)
6.       Lacrimal Bone ( Tulang Air Mata ) (2 bone)
7.       Conca Imperior/Vomer Bone ( Tempat Lidah Menempel ) (1 bone)
II.                  Body Skeleton
A.     Back Bones ( Tulang Belakang )
1.       Cervical Vertebrate ( Tulang Leher ) (7 bone)
2.       Thoracic Vertebrate ( Tulang Punggung) (12 bone)
3.       Lumbar Vertebrate ( Tulang Pinggang ) (5 bone)
4.       Sacral Vertebrate ( Tulang Kelangkang ) (5 bone)
5.       Coccyx Vertebrate ( Tulang Ekor) (4 bone)
B.      Sternum Bones ( Tulang Dada)
There are 3 parts :
1.       Manubrum ( Atas )
2.       Gladius ( Badan )
3.       Xypoid ( Ujung )
C.      Ribs Bones ( Tulang Rusuk )
1.       True Ribs ( Tulang Rusuk Sejati ) (7 pairs)
2.       False Ribs ( Tulang Rusuk Palsu ) (3 pairs)
3.       Floating Ribs (2 pairs)

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